Out of Touch!

Beatrice Adenodi
August 19, 2024

I was sitting with a friend, catching up on life. We exchanged stories of our wins and challenges while discussing how to overcome some of the differences we both were experiencing in the workplace. My disgruntled demeanor over projects was evident as our 1-hour conversation turned into 3 hours, and I elaborated on behaviors I was observing: disgruntled employees who loved the work but were discouraged by how they were treated, being pulled in different directions, not knowing whether they were coming or going. Morality was shattered for some in this environment. As the conversation progressed, my friend knew I had an emotional investment in the project but that I may be putting in too much of a life force. I was trying to reason with her that the work is for the betterment of the communities and the people who are individually affected by the work. The next statement stopped me in my tracks, "That work has no future.” She didn't know it, but in that moment I was knocked out, my energy shifting from shocked to discouraged. I couldn't hear anything else. My otherwise thick skin had taken a blow. Not too many things shook me up, but the truth was staring me in the face and whispering the reality I knew to the depths of my consciousness. I was soul-slapped! 

Hours later, I began to come to my senses as I analyzed our conversation. Does the work I am part of have a future? Is there a real chance of making an impact in the communities or is it a Band-Aid to a deep-rooted problem? Is the work more about collecting super ego-based awards and brownie points for finding quick fixes in a situation only to turn around the next moment and revisit the problem again? I started to assess the situation; Does the work I am sucked into really have a future? Is this something that the community needs? Questions began to flood my mind as I was rethinking some of the work I was involved in. I love being a part of impact work, but I had to take a step back and assess the impact of the work I was involved in. I started seeing my work differently, including the opportunities. Taking inventory was a first step.  

For years, I've thrived on immersing myself in the moment, savoring the world's marvels, and connecting with those around me. Yet, I see a world where many lack self-awareness, yearning to be seen, straining to be heard, trapped in unfulfilling roles, and drifting apart in relationships clouded by ulterior motives. Individuals subject themselves to toxic work environments, believing there is no way out. Understanding behavioral patterns and aligning goals with your team becomes paramount when you're in any industry driven by human interaction. Failure to do so perpetuates toxic cultures, fostering an environment of cultural abuse. Highlighting this abuse is crucial among the myriad of traumas that surface regularly. Often, it falls upon leaders to shape the organizational ethos and foster a healthy work environment.

We have the power to direct our future, our impact, and the work we are a part of. Each day, we are awake to the glorious world that we live in; we have to start asking the real questions to align our efforts in a way that will create a better future. Here are five key questions I asked myself to assess if the work I was a part of was having a lasting impact:

1. Does the work that I am taking part in have a future? Or, am I buying time for its expiration date? 

2. Is the work I am doing aligned with my values?

3. What are my strengths?

4. What are my weaknesses?

5. What are my motivations?

We all want to be part of something bigger than ourselves, but it is up to us to reassess what it takes to embody that dream. The more clear I am, the better I can make the fundamental decisions that will level up my world.

Self-analysis is crucial in this process. We must be honest with ourselves about our strengths, weaknesses, and motivations for pursuing certain paths. This self-awareness allows us to make informed decisions and stay true to ourselves.

When we get back in touch with our truest selves, is when we can have the most impact, make a difference in communities, and stand up for the causes we believe in!

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